Update v0.4.1

Update v0.4.1.1 - Tradeoffs

  • Fixed the bug where caring citizen no longer works by replacing it with bug where only one caring citizen works. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Update v0.4.1 - Pre-Y1 launch cleanup

  • Increased price of Firefighter from 90 to 110
  • Removed ability to stack Intelligence Officer and Firefighter. These towers must now be a small distance away from other towers to be placed.
  • Fixed bug where having an upgraded Cheerleader and an un-upgraded Cheerleader in range of a tower would cause it to have infinite particles emitted.
  • Fixed bug where spawning a tower on the frame where a enemy is hurt while on high graphics mode to enlarge in size and spin, causing it to hit the base and making it spin grow and spin uncontrollably as well.
  • Minor update to Tutorial.


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Jul 11, 2023